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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Newborn Session with Danny

It was a pleasure to photograph my coworker's new baby, Daniel Joseph Alvarez, who was born on June 24th weighing at 8 lbs! Erin's due date was actually 1 week ahead me, but I ended up delivering 2 weeks early and Erin delivered 1 week late! As a new mother myself with an unpredictable sleeping schedule, I couldn't resist when Erin asked me to do a newborn session with baby Danny! I've seen him grow in Erin's belly for 10 months and this was my first chance to meet him in person! And what a joy he is to proud new parents Walter and Erin---Congratulations!

The bond between mother and baby is unmistakable!


I firmly believe that a sleeping baby is a good baby!

Proud new parents Walter and Erin :)




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