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Friday, February 15, 2008

My Fun New Toys!

Canon Speedlite: 580EX II

Now that I'm more serious about photography, and increasing number of friends and referrals are asking me to shoot different photography sessions, I've decided that it's a good time to buy some additional "toys" to add to my gear collection!

Thinking of an umbrella for studio lighting or a softbox? Why not buy the Lastolite Umbrellabox for portability, and you get the best of both worlds? My second newest addition :)

I can now convert my dining room area into a small home studio in addition to my background support stands :) I will post more pictures of that soon, stay tuned...

Current gear list for the photog geeks :) BTW, I shoot exclusively with Canon:
- 5D
- XTi backup body
- 24-70mm f/2.8L with UV polarizer
- 70-200mm f/4L
- 60mm f/2.8 macro
- 18-55mm kit lens
- Speedlite 580EX II *NEW*
- Speedlite 430EX
- Ebay triggers for off camera lighting *NEW*
- Manfroto mini tripod
- Generic tripod
- Lastolite Umbrellabox and light stand *NEW*
- Calumet background stands x2, 9ft black seamless background paper *NEW*
- 18 gigs of memory
- extra batteries (A MUST!)

This may sound like a pretty long list to a newer newb than I! But I have more in mind that I would like to buy, even though my husband thinks I have enough stuff! In my defense, I'm investing in better gear so I can "give back" to my clients :) Don't get me wrong, it's not the gear that makes a good photographer, but its an extension of what we can do for our client!

Now to learn and PLAY...!

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