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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Final Product

In my opinion, post processing pictures is equally important (if not more) as opposed to creating a good photograph. In fact, I probably spend more time in front of the computer playing with my photos in Lightroom and Photoshop CS3, in comparison to the length of time it takes to do a photo session with my client! Is it true that a better photographer should need to spend less time on his/her photoshop skills? Most likely. But it's difficult to get the perfect exposure and lighting in a picture especially when time is usually against you, and there's only that one window of opportunity to capture that specific moment.

Here is a "BEFORE" picture of Barbara, notice how it lacks contrast and color:

Now, compare the above picture with the following:

This photograph is just an example of what Lightroom can do. I adjusted the contrast and curves, and the picture looks so much more outstanding than the original! I shoot exclusively in RAW format so I have total control when I'm post processing.

So there you go!

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