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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Hard at work

Just the other day, Randy thought it was amusing when he caught me working on my three computers and he snapped a picture while I was editing some photos and working on some slide shows. Although I don't have all the programs that I need on my iMac yet, it's connected to the internet so I can surf and chat online. Since I'm waiting for photoshop CS3 and Lightroom I'm still running these programs on my PC, and I'm also using Proshow Producer on my laptop! Until I can install all my vital programs on my iMac, I guess I'll have to continue working like a computer geek....and there's nothing wrong with that!

***ADD*** On another note, my blog has reached 0ver 10,000 hits! I want to thank all my blog readers who come to visit often!! Please don't be shy and leave a comment even if it's to say "hi" so I know you've been here! It would make my day :)


Anonymous said...

I see KenRN on your iMac!

mika inokoshi photography said...

Hi Cathy! Crazy that you have to work on 3 computers! Don't you love the mac??
Congrats on hitting 10,000 - wow that's wicked!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I can't remember how I cam across your website, but I LOVE looking at all the pictures you take! You really have quite some talent! Anyway, I am due next week and am delivering at CPMC, and I keep wondering if you'll end up being my RN!

cKAM Photography said...

thanks guys! Vicki, I'll be in Italy next week and in Vancouver the week after, so one of my coworkers will definitely be one of your nurses! Try to remember your L&D nurse's name and let me know who it is :) Congrats!